If you’ve recently undergone wisdom teeth removal surgery, it’s normal to wonder when you can return to your daily activities, including swimming. While it’s important to rest and follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions, swimming after wisdom teeth removal is possible, but it’s best to proceed cautiously. In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors to consider and provide tips for swimming safely after wisdom teeth removal.

Understanding the Healing Process:

Before discussing swimming after getting your wisdom teeth removed, it’s important to understand how your body heals. After the surgery, your body needs time to recover from the damage. During this time, blood clots form where the teeth are removed, and your gums and bones start to grow back. You might feel pain, swelling, or discomfort, but it should improve as time passes.

When Can I Start Swimming After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

It’s suggested to avoid swimming for at least 24 hours after getting your wisdom teeth pulled. This helps to form blood clots that stop bleeding, which could be risky if you’re in the water. Additionally, swimming in lakes, pools, or oceans can bring bacteria into the wound, which slows down healing and could cause infections.

Once the initial 24 hours have passed, you can start swimming again, but you should take some precautions. It’s best to avoid open water swimming to avoid harmful bacteria and germs that could cause infections. Instead, pick a swimming pool that’s kept clean and healthy.

Using a Mouth Guard:

It’s essential to be careful while swimming after removing your wisdom tooth. Using a mouth guard is one of the most important things to keep yourself safe. A mouth guard is a protective device that covers your teeth and gums, protecting the area where your tooth was removed from any accidental impact that can cause pain or injury. You can easily purchase a mouth guard at any drugstore. Wearing a mouth guard is a wise decision that helps ensure your tooth extraction site heals properly.

What precautions should I take to swim after wisdom teeth extraction?

It’s best to avoid swimming for 1-2 days after getting wisdom teeth removed to let the blood clot form properly and lower the risk of complications like bleeding or infection. However, if you can’t avoid swimming, follow these safety tips:

  1. Wait until the bleeding stops, usually within 1-2 days.
  2. Avoid swimming in chlorinated or saltwater, irritating the surgery site and slowing healing.
  3. Don’t dive or jump into the water, as the pressure changes can dislodge the blood clot or cause bleeding.
  4. Protect the surgery area with a mouth guard to prevent any impact or injury.
  5. Take frequent breaks and avoid long periods of swimming.
  6. After swimming, rinse your mouth with warm salt water to reduce swelling and prevent infection.
  7. Don’t smoke or use tobacco products for at least 72 hours after surgery; they can delay healing and increase the risk of infection.

Remember that everyone’s recovery time is different, so always follow your dentist or oral surgeon’s instructions and ask for their advice before any physical activity, including swimming.


Swimming is a remarkable activity to maintain your physical fitness and well-being, yet it is crucial to exercise caution following wisdom teeth extraction surgery. Although you can resume swimming after the initial 24 hours, taking the necessary measures to avoid any postoperative complications is imperative. Utilizing a mouth guard to safeguard the extraction site and refrain from swimming in unclean pools or open water is highly recommended. Adhering to these instructions, you can confidently swim after wisdom teeth removal while carrying out your everyday routines. However, remember that healing is a gradual process, so do not overexert yourself and always be attuned to your body’s signals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I swim after getting my wisdom teeth removed?

After removing your wisdom teeth, it’s best to avoid swimming for at least 24 hours. This is because the chlorine in the pool water can irritate the healing area and cause an infection. Also, the pressure changes caused by diving or swimming laps can be painful and slow to heal. Instead, stick to light activities and follow your dentist’s instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Is it safe to swim after wisdom teeth extraction?

Swimming after wisdom teeth extraction is not recommended as it can increase the risk of infection and delay the healing process. The water in swimming pools, oceans, and lakes can contain harmful bacteria that can easily enter the open wound and cause complications. It is best to wait until your dentist or oral surgeon gives you the green light to resume normal activities, including swimming.

How does swimming affect the healing process after wisdom teeth removal?

Swimming can be beneficial during the healing process after wisdom teeth removal. The gentle movement can help improve blood flow and reduce swelling, promoting faster healing. However, it’s important to avoid putting your head underwater or any vigorous swimming that could dislodge the blood clot and cause a dry socket.

Can chlorine in the pool affect my healing after wisdom teeth extraction?

Yes, chlorine in the pool can affect your healing after wisdom teeth extraction. Chlorine is a strong chemical that can irritate your gums and delay healing. It is recommended to avoid swimming and other water activities for at least 48-72 hours after the extraction to ensure proper healing.

Can you go swimming after getting a tooth pulled?

After getting a tooth pulled, going swimming for at least 24-48 hours is not recommended. Swimming pools, hot tubs, and natural bodies of water contain bacteria that could cause an infection in the open socket where the tooth was extracted. It’s best to wait until the wound has fully healed before resuming your regular swimming routine.

John has been hooked on boats and fishing lately. And he’s got a ton of fishing tricks to share. He has been writing blogs related to boating and fishing niche for years now.